Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Flextube Dobsonian Synscan Go-To
Skywatcher 200P Flextube Go-To Dobsonian
The exciting new Sky-Watcher Collapsible Dobsonian SynScan series is precision engineered instrument that will allow you to easily find and enjoy viewing night sky treasures, such as Planets, Nebulae, Star Clusters, Galaxies and much more. With its patented collapsible tube design, these Dobsonians are truly the ultimate in portability and performance - 225% More Powerful Than 8" Telescope
The elegant truss tube design was carefully engineered to combine ease of use, extreme portability and consistent performance in an affordable package. Unlike other truss tube designs, the SkyWatcher Collapsible Dobsonian does not need to be disassembled between uses. It transports as two compact pieces that can be assembled and ready to use in just seconds! It is easy to collimate once set up, and it holds its collimation throughout the evening! The patented Tension Control Handle allows users to add or reduce tension, thereby increasing or decreasing the friction between the optical tube and the sideboards
The SynScan™ AZ hand control allows you point your telescope at a specific object, or even tour the night sky at the touch of a button!! The user-friendly menu system allows automatic slewing to over 42,900+ objects. Even an inexperienced astronomer can master its variety of features in a few observing sessions. The patented dual encoder design allows the telescope to be moved manually whenever the user wishes - but with no need for re-alignment!
The Sky-Watcher Dobsonian SynScan series combines the convenience and affordability of the traditional Dobsonian with the convenience of a computerized Go-To telescope
*Item Will Be Tested, Collimated With Howie Glatter And Mechanically Enhanced Prior Shipment As Complimentary Service*
- 203mm Parabolic Newtonian Reflector
- Fully Multi-Coated
- Quartz Overcaoted Aluminium Mirror
- F/6 Focal Ratio
- 1200mm Focal Length
- Low Thermal Expansion Borosilicate Glass (Pyrex)
- 0.5mm Secondary Support Vane Thickness
- 480x Maximum Magnification
- 843x Light Gathering Power
- 14.2 Limiting Stellar Magnitude
- Diffraction Limited Optics
- Magnification Eyepiece 1 : 58x
- Magnification Eyepiece 2 : 120x
- 2'' Focuser
- Collapsible Tube - 91cm Long
- 25Kg Total Assembled Weight
- 42,900 Object Database
- Synscan Go-To System
- 2 Star Alignment, Brightest Star Alignment & Daytime Alignment
- Tube And Base Seperable For Transport
Included Items
- Skywatcher 8'' Collapsible Dobsonian
- 8x50 Finder Scope
- 25mm Super Plossl Eyepiece
- 10mm Super Plossl Eyepiece
- Synscan V4 Controller
- RS 232 Computer Communication Cable
- Cigar Port Power Supply Adapter
- Accessories Tray
- 2" 50mm Extension Tube
- 2" To 1 25" Adapter
- M42 T-Adapter For DSLR
- User Manual
- 2 Years Warranty