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Celestron Travelscope 70 DX Telescope

US$ 109.98 1

Celestron Travelscope 70 DX Telescope

*Usable As 400mm F/5.7 Telephoto Lens, Travel Telescope, Spotting Scope*

Compact and lightweight refractor with alt-azimuth mount. This telescope is portable: you can take it with you for observations in countryside. It comes with backpack where telescope, its mount, optical accessories and tripod perfectly fit in. This telescope is perfect for observations of the Solar System planets and Moon. Can be used as spotting scope for terrestrial observations

Compact size almost half size of most refractor tubes. Due to this feature, it is convenient to take anywhere – it does not take up much space. Besides, it is not heavy– the telescope design is lightweight. The mount is easy to handle and is effortlessly assembled and handled, even by a beginner. To point a telescope to the desired object on the celestial sphere, you just need to turn its tube along an altitude or an azimuth axis. The tripod is made of light aluminum and has adjustable height

DX Version Includes Smartphone Adapter, Moon Filter, 2x Barlow Lens, bluetooth smartphone shutter controller And Moon Map


  • 70mm Achromatic Refractor
  • 400mm Focal Length
  • Fully Coated Optics
  • F/5.17 Focal Ratio
  • Alt-Azimuth Mount
  • Aluminium Tripod
  • 168x Max Magnification
  • 100x Light Gathering Power
  • 1.66 Arc Second Resolution
  • 1.5Kg Total Weight
  • Include Eyepiece Magnifications : 20x, 40x, 80x

The kit includes:

  • Celestron Travelscope DX 70 Telescope
  • Mount
  • 5x24 optical finder
  • K10 eyepiece, 1.25’’
  • K20 eyepiece, 1.25’’
  • 45 Degree Erecting Prism
  • 2x Barlow lens
  • Aluminum tripod
  • Celestron Basic Smartphone Adapter
  • Celestron Bluetooth Smartphone Controller
  • Moon filter
  • Moon Map (Online Download)
  • Starry Night Astronomical Software (Online Download)
  • Backpack for storage and transportation
  • User manual
  • 1 Years Local Warranty