Skywatcher 150N- AZ4 Mount Steel
Skywatcher 150N-AZ4 Telescope Package
Skywatcher Explorer 150 F/5 Newtonian Telescope Feature Diffraction Limited 6'' F/5 Parabolic Newtonian Reflector. This Provide More Than Ample Of Aperature For Visual And Fast Focal Ratio Provide Excellent Deep Space Imaging. Best Suited For Those Looking For Great Visual And Imaging Telescope Of Decent Aperature
Perfect Companion To This Telescope, All-Metal Alt-Azimuth Mount Is Exceptionally Sturdy And Easy To Operate. It Features Friction Control Cables On Both Axes, Allowing Horizontal And Vertical Operation
For Those Looking For High Quality Alt-Alz Mount With High Payload Capacity, The Skywatcher AZ 4 Will Suite Your Need. Suitable For Refractors Up To 4'', 8'' SCT, 6'' Newtonian And Anything About 7Kg Weight
- 150mm Aperature Parabolic Newtonian Reflector
- F/5 Focal Ratio
- 750mm Focal length
- Diffraction Limited Optics
- 360x Maximum Magnification
- 459x Light Gathering Power
- 0.77 Arc Second Resolution
- 2'' Focuser With 2'' To 1.25'' Adapter
Included Items
- Skywatcher BKP 150 F/5 Newtonian Reflector
- 6x30 Finder Scope
- 25mm Super Eyepiece
- 10mm Super Eyepiece
- Clamp Ring With Dovetail Plate
- Skywatcher AZ4 Alt-Az Mount (Steel Tripod)
- 2 Years Warranty