Howie Glatter 2'' to 1.25'' Parallizer
Howie Glatter 2'' To 1.25'' Parallizer
There is a misconception that the problem of the cylindrical slip-fit system we use for eyepieces and other optical accessories is centering. There are adapters and holders on the market that are advertised as “centering” or “self-centering”, but even if an accessory is pushed off-center a millimeter or more by clamping, that will not introduce a significant problem if the accessory and holder axis remain parallel. This is true even with a laser collimator. In contrast, angular misalignment between the accessory and the drawtube axis of even a few arc minutes can be detrimental, especially for collimation tools and camera adapters. In short, centering is nice, but parallelism is golden!
The Parallizer™ 2 inch-to-1.25 inch adapter utilizes a patented design that insures parallel alignment with the drawtube axis of optical accesories such as eyepieces, camera adapters, and collimation tools. The Parallizer's unique, patented alignment feature assures that the drawtube and accessory axis will always be dead parallel.
The adapter's non-marring clamp screw is set at 45 degrees, camming the accessory down against the adapter flange when tightened. The Parallizer has zero in-focus loss, and does not require a screw slot to seat fully in a drawtube. It is threaded for 48mm (2”) filters.
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